10 Tips for NaNoWriMo Success
10 Tips for NaNoWriMo Success
Eeep! It’s that time of the year again. One day from now will be the start of NaNoWriMo 2017!
I am a HUGE advocate of NaNo. For any newbies, or for anyone who simply wants some tips for getting to the big 50k, keep reading…here’s my 10 tips to help you get there and keep going:
- Set BIGGER goals. There are 30 days in November, which means your total daily word count goal is 1,667. Rounding up to 1,700 words, or even 2,000 words, will help 1,667 not feel so overwhelming.
- If you’re like me and have a a full-time job, you’re likely to fall behind during the week. If you miss your goal during one weekday, you can make up during the weekend. DON’T STOP BECAUSE YOU MISS A DAY. You’ll fluctuate. And that’s perfectly normal. One day, you may write 500 words, the next, you’ll be in the zone and do 7,000. It evens out. Just keep going…
- OK, so this one may go against some of what you’ve already read. But EDIT AS YOU GO. A lot of people will say to write, write, write your hands off. Editing can be a PAIN, though, once you’re done. Editing as you go, will help you have to proof less later. Also, you’ll be amazed at how many words you add as you go back and flesh out chapters you’ve already started.
- Plot ahead of time. Whether you write it down or not (I’m a pantser), knowing where to go next is key to helping you put in your word count.
- Be okay with writing out of order. If you get stuck at the beginning of your MS, write the ending, or the middle, or any scene that you can see clearly that day.
- Daydream when you’re not writing. Get stuck in a scene one day? Think about it when you’re not writing; in the shower, waiting in line somewhere, the five minutes it takes you to fall asleep. BRAINSTORM BEFORE YOU TO GET TO YOUR KEYBOARD.
- Don’t feel like you have to write on your computer. You can always write on the Notepad on your phone or carry around a notepad to write when you get a chance.
- And don’t feel like you need to work on just on MS. If you get stuck on one story, work on another, you’re likely never to miss a day of writing.
- This one may be obvious, but HAVE FUN. Taking the pressure off succeeding to remember why you’re participting, will help a ton.
- KEEP GOING PAST DAY 30. Let’s face it, unless you’re writing middle grade, 50K words is not going to be a full draft. NaNoWriMo is a training exercise. Take the challenge, but then forget it’s part of a challenge.
At the end of November, remember to celebrate whether or not you reach the 50k. Keep going! The whole point of NaNo is to help you establish your writing habit :]